Exclusive educational content for traders who have mastered the basics and want to optimize their trading for more profits.
This material includes more complex technical and fundamental skillset development. Completion of the PB University is encouraged but not a requirement.
In PB Advanced, we teach almost every aspect of stock trading, including how the stock market itself works along with broker platforms. We teach dozens of technical indicators, SEC filings, corporate events, different approaches to charting as well as portfolio and fund management skills.
The classes are posted every Friday at or before 2PM EDT in the PBA Class Discord channel. The livestreams are hosted every Friday at 12PM EDT in the PBA Livestream Discord channel. All content is recorded and available for those who are not able to attend.
One new class every week. One additional exclusive livestream every week. A short alert channel. The Wheel Strategy education and alerts. Exclusive live trading and private channels for members to assist each other and study in groups.